Brow Design, Tint & Henna Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start preparing my eyebrows for my wedding/major event?

It's always recommended to book a minimum of 3 sessions before any big occasion. This is important to ensure clients don’t react to new products & helps us establish the desired style. It takes on average 3 months for hair to grow out, therefore recommend at least 7-8 weeks of growth before Initial visit for best results.

Importantly, most women start the grooming process leading to their big occasion; generally this entails change/additions in skin care routine. It’s very important for clients to keep their technician aware of adjustments in treatments or skin care routine during this time. If the technicians are not informed properly, adverse reactions are a potential problem.

Do I need to grow out my eyebrows before my first visit?

For the best result absolutely! However we understand this is difficult, and we can manage to style your brows with as little as 3 weeks growth. 

Although achieving the desired shape will take longer, it’s preferred you don’t tweeze & interfere with the styling process, so regular visits are required to prevent the temptation of tweezing. 

How often do I need to rebook my brows?

Most people book once a month. For more detailed information please read the below information that pertains to the services you require.

WAXING? Most clients rebook between 4-6 weeks. During week 4-5 you will notice your brows getting untidy & harder to maintain, as the re-growth starts to increase & hairs become longer, the shape dissipates…This is when your due!

However depending on personal hair growth patters, this will vary give or take several weeks. Generally after 2-3 visits clients will have an idea of required time between appointments.

TINTING? Depending on the porosity of your eyebrow hair, tinting can last between 3-8 weeks. Avoiding over cleansing is the key to maintaining colour; frequent brow washing strips not only tint rapidly, but also essential oils from the hair shaft. 

Always note that fresh tint will stain the skin. While staining is a bonus for many, & generally inevitable depending on the tinting technique used, it washes out from the skin within 2-5 days.

We advise clients to cleanse their brows several times to remove staining, or to avoid excessive cleansing to maintain the temporary stain, depending on preference. Don’t be fooled into thinking your tint is fading quickly when the stain is coming off the skin!

The colouring of the hair shaft should last at least 2 weeks, however if you hair is extremely resistant, and for some reason you find it isn’t lasting, talk to your therapist, we may need to adjust processing time and colour selections based on these factors.

We do not pressure clients to come back sooner than they require, we are very happy to accommodate what you feel is necessary, and one of the reasons we offer separate Brow and Tinting services to accommodate needs.

HENNA Henna has the same result as tinting, however the main purpose of henna is for skin staining. It is best for thin and patchy brows, or those wanting a filled more structured look. Henna last between 7-12 days longer on the skin compared to tint, depending on aftercare and skin type (Tint’s purpose is NOT for skin staining, although it may be a temporary result depending on application). Hair will stay coloured with henna much longer than the skin staining, so it’s perfect for resistant hair types. In general the lighter the hair the more noticeable colouring will be, the darker the less noticeable so longevity varies depending on factors. On average we usually say hair will remain henna coloured anywhere from 4-7 weeks.

We have introduced recently a natural application of henna. This is suitable for those who want colour to hold well on the hair, but prefer little to no skin staining. This is for a more natural and less filled look, however excellent for those who find tint isn’t holding. Often the hair will remain coloured for anywhere from 2-4 weeks longer than tint would.

Henna is natural and recommended for pregnant women who may want to avoid chemicals. It is also a natural colour, so batch to batch it is common for henna to vary slightly in shade. This is due to the natural pigments varying in intensity, nothing to be concerned about as it’s only slight! In this instance if you are incredibly set on matching brow colour to your hair shade as close as possible, there are difficulties involved because of the natural pigment used. You may be better with tint if you are set on colour matching being your priority. This treatment does take longer so please make sure you are selecting the right service when bookings!

Why do we NOT Henna on First appointments?

During your first appointment the aim is to discuss your expectations and mesh that with our professional advice, finding something that is suitable, manageable and realistic. Often clients do not understand the reasons for professional processes, or have advanced understanding of colouring or colour corrective work. Therefor by creating a version of what the client is wanting with a less permanent & intensive colour, allows the client to decide if that’s what they really want. (We often find clients prefer lighter shades instead of darker although they were adamant that wouldn’t be the case). We also need to consider reaction, non reaction to tint often suggests a higher chance of NOT being allergic to Henna.

HOWEVER most importantly, it allows the stylist to see how porous your hair/skin types is. The porosity of your hair refers to the hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. For us to determine where you fall on the porosity spectrum: low, normal or high, we use a less intensive and permanent tint to help determine what colour, application type and processing time may be required for henna. 

Henna appointments are longer sessions for this reasons, as everyone falls under a different spectrum of porosity. Some require less time and others more. Determining this in the first appointment is difficult. By understating all these important factors, porosity, undertone and skin type, it allows us to be more accurate when selecting a henna colour on your follow up session. With the use of a vegetable based tint, we can manage client expectations easier and find what type of brows we are working with.

Furthermore, if you are new to the salon & have been getting henna elsewhere, we can not accurately pick a shade that is the same as the one you show in a picture or describe. It is important for clients who are demanding towards henna understand that all brands are different. Some brands use less henna than others, effecting shade, intensity and longevity, as well as different additive colours being added such as coffee bean or mushroom extract. Therefor from brand to brand results are completely unpredictable. A light brown in one brand can be a medium to dark in other.

We hope this helps clears up why as professionals have made this decision.

How can I encourage my eyebrows to grow?

For most using any form of conditioning brow serum is a good start to strengthen and encourage growth. Many clients have problems with dormant follicles from over waxing or tweezing; so growth-stimulating products are ideal to encourage hair growth. However on consultation depending on the condition of your brows, we may recommend specific formulas.

What happens if I am not achieving the result I want for my brows?

It’s not always easy to manipulate a client’s brow into a shape they want. Our brows only hold potential for so many styles based on the underlying organic structure. It’s not like a haircut where you pick the style you want for the season. This is one reason we do not like to work off photos provided, often they are unrealistic , if you do bring photos please know this is for inspo not copy.

Brow hair is precious and delicate. The chances of follicle damage and scaring are a real thing, so when it comes to choosing the style you want, carefully consider the outcome that has. We will help to direct you into a style that is most suitable, and if we do feel that the style is unrealistic we will try to educate you as to why, and point clients towards other options prior to permanently removing hair.

Essentially the more shape or arch someone requires, if their brows isn’t already naturally defined and structured, the higher maintenance the brows become, and the high chance of follicle damage and thinning brows. If this is something clients desire, they must be fully aware that shaping is required frequently for maintenance. Additionally, keeping the maximum fullness of the brows is not possible, as extra hair must be removed to cut angles required for higher arched brows.

If a client is after a brow that compliments their natural structure, the less maintenance the brow becomes. Automatically there is less potential for damage, and the brow can remain as full as possible without compromising it’s integrity.

Various other factors that inhibit clients achieving the style they want include; density of hair growth, direction of hair growth, or lack of hair growth.

These factors can only be altered so much depending on the individual condition of the brow. We recommend thinking about alternatives such as eyebrow tattooing if your needs are not achievable through brow waxing, tinting & makeup application.

Our stylists are honest in advising clients of the best action necessary for achieving desired results, and will properly inform you of the best options for your brows.